Processes markdown that has images elements referring to SSB blob images and links them to the correct address according to the sbot plugin ssb-serve-blobs
where the image is being hosted.
root level.
Note on versioning: this package's version equals the version of ssb-serve-blobs
which it is compatible with, appended with a counter for further versioning. E.g. remark-images-to-ssb-serve-blobs@2.0.0-3
would be the third version of this package which is compatible with ssb-serve-blobs@2.0.0
npm install remark-images-to-ssb-serve-blobs
// ...
var imagesToSsbServeBlobs = require('remark-images-to-ssb-serve-blobs');
// ...
Markdown document:
# Title
Take a look at this scenery:

Input AST:
root[3] (1:1-7:1, 0-105)
├─ heading[1] (2:1-2:8, 1-8) [depth=1]
│ └─ text: "Title" (2:3-2:8, 3-8)
├─ paragraph[1] (4:1-4:29, 10-38)
│ └─ text: "Take a look at this scenery:" (4:1-4:29, 10-38)
└─ paragraph[1] (6:1-6:65, 40-104)
└─ image (6:1-6:65, 40-104) [url="&Pe5kTo/V/w4MToasp1IuyMrMcCkQwDOdyzbyD5fy4ac=.sha256"][alt="scenery"]
Output AST:
root[3] (1:1-7:1, 0-105)
├─ heading[1] (2:1-2:8, 1-8) [depth=1]
│ └─ text: "Title" (2:3-2:8, 3-8)
├─ paragraph[1] (4:1-4:29, 10-38)
│ └─ text: "Take a look at this scenery:" (4:1-4:29, 10-38)
└─ paragraph[1] (6:1-6:65, 40-104)
└─ image (6:1-6:65, 40-104) [url="http://localhost:26835/%26Pe5kTo%2FV%2Fw4MToasp1IuyMrMcCkQwDOdyzbyD5fy4ac%3D.sha256"][alt="scenery"]